Pet Kennel around Leuven
Looking for dog kennels or some temporary housing for Milo has been an important task for us. In US, there are many options you KNOW ( I think this is the keyword!) you can select- Kennels recommended by your vet or (personally I really found a good sitter from this).
In Belgium, we are sure there are options, but we just don’t know what they are… Some good recommendation from the local who helped us settle in Leuven.. Google is also a good resource to get info.. Also found out there is a similar website like
To be honest, we haven’t tried any of the kennel yet, so will share our experience soon.
- Kennels close to Leuven
- Pet sitter website for private sitters in Belgium
- Additional vaccination requirement for Kennels – Thanks to our vet’s office (Lagrange vet), we were able to find out what we already have and need extra.
- Carré, Virushepatitis and Virusgastroenteritis : These are included in Distemper vaccine (here called Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvo). Typically a part of regular vaccination in US.
- Infectious tracheobronchitis– This is bordetella/kennel cough. Easily can get in any vet’s office since this is required for the kennel in US.
- Leptospirosis: Our vet’s office did not have this since this is not mandatory in US and this is really a rare case in US. He recommended bigger veterinarian hospitals around our area, and luckily we found the place which carries this.